Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory wants you to be thrilled with your buy. If, during the warranty period, your product needs service, please give us a call. Your satisfaction with the order is our main concern. If you have any questions about your warranty coverage, or you believe you will need support, call our Customer Support. We are here to assist you get the most from the aluminum track system .
HeYing Slide Rail is a specialized manufacturer of high class heavy table slides. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's stainless steel ball slides can meet the needs of different customers. HeYing Slide Rail [stainless steel ball slides is allowed to carry on production on the premise of passing the safety precautions on electric shock and leakage resistance. This product has a large market in China and Southeast Asia. People can be assured that there are no heavy metal elements or formaldehyde element which are harmful to their health. The surface of the product is bright, flat, and contains no particles.
We work on implement initiatives that encourage eco-friendliness. Initiatives such as eco-design, re-use of used materials, refurbishment and eco-packaging of products have made some progress in our business.