At least Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory is a brand known by industry insiders. It has been developed for years. Its marketing started when our company was established. Its exports to foreign countries help enlarge our international influence. In future, it may be known to more clients and users.
After many years of market testing and R&D investment, HeYing Slide Rail has grown into a leading manufacturer of aluminum table slides. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's light duty slide rail can meet the needs of different customers. This product uses well. Chemical or mechanical finishing agents are applied to fabrics to improve its durability and/or utility. It contains heavy-duty carbon steel springs, which makes it highly resistant to aging. The product, with excellent stability, fits perfectly for people who have a high arch and also people with an average arch. It has passed the push-pull test, with guaranteed structural strength.
Our goal is to improve customer service in a significant way. We will endeavor to localize all the product services by establishing our branch companies for the worldwide channel to guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.