Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory always delivers products on schedule. Inventory is a good solution to easing delivery pressure. The production line of large capacity will help guarantee the supply in the peak season.
HeYing Slide Rail makes improved aluminum table slides products and offering superior service. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's light duty slide rail can meet the needs of different customers. It exhibits durability and satisfactory wear performance due to the type and properties of its fibers, yarn fabric and structure, and any chemical and/or mechanical treatment associated with it. It is processed by milling and shaft grinding processes, which ensures its high-quality workmanship. The product is 100% formaldehyde free. People can be assured that the product is guaranteed to be safe and harmless. The customized lightweight product adds no burden to the furniture.
Our corporate culture demands uncompromising and consistent adherence to a well-understood set of principles and standards that govern how we behave internally and when dealing with external partners.