Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd has strong capabilities to provide customers with ODM service and satisfy their needs as best as we can. This type of manufacturing is often referred to as private labeling. Based on the existing design, we can develop and manufacture the products which could either be the result of the suppliers' R&D or a replica of another product or brand. We, as a professional manufacturer specializing in offering ODM service, can have the product branded with your brand logo or company information. Sometimes, you can also request modifications or minor changes in the products' size, color, and packaging.
With an advanced production line, NIUCUNZH has a mature production technology. women leather wallet is the main product of Marrant. It is diverse in variety. To ensure its quality, the manufacturing of the semiconductors of NIUCUNZH real leather wallet mens is required to be conducted in a dust-free room where contains no dust particles and other impurities. It exhibits stain resistance to some extent. The product is built to last. It is made of heavy-duty materials which can withstand the most rigorous industrial conditions. It will be carefully packaged using non-woven fabrics and OPP bags. Customized package is also available.
We are open to new ways of thinking and doing things, in order to create new possibilities for customers. We will always respond to unexpected challenges in a bold way to capture global strengths and achieve operational excellence.