Yes, Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd offers OEM service to customers all over the world. OEM only requires the manufacturers to process the products. This business doesn't involve design, independent development, and other personalized needs. As a manufacturer specialized in the production of laptop bag , we are equipped with updated technology and have introduced complete advanced production lines to achieve high-precision production process and quality-guaranteed results. Customers are guaranteed to get cost-effective OEMed products. Also, during the cooperation process with customers, we can learn advanced techniques and up-to-date ideas of the industry, which in turn, is beneficial to us.
Marrant is highly efficient in developing and producing genuine leather bag. We have a strong presence in this industry. We will show you the leather chest bag series that is most popular with customers. The product features good heat dissipation. Its vents promote front-to-back airflow and keep it stay cool, which contributes to its smooth operation. It exhibits stain resistance to some extent. People can be reassured that the product contains no methanal or other harmful substances which may cause a health risk. It is under brand NIUCUNZH or MARRANT. OEM/ODM is available.
Our company has recognized the importance of practicing sound environmental policies to create a healthy living condition for future generations. We also encourage our employees to embrace our company's value and work together to make it true. Ask online!