Yes. Based on customers' real requirements, Sofie Bag Co., Ltd. can provide EXW for shopping bag. It is an agreement between a buyer and a seller that the seller assumes no responsibility for the cost and liability for a product after it is manufactured and has left at the seller's warehouse. Under Ex Works terms, you need to bear all the risks involved in the shipment. That means that any additional costs incurred when clearing customs, for example, will fall to you. It’s important to be really clear on the export documentation you will be able to obtain from us and make sure you familiarise yourself with local customs regulations, to avoid issues.
Sofie Bag is an experienced manufacturer of small insulated lunch bag with first-class technology, first-class service, and comprehensive expertise. Sofie Bag's chest bag series include multiple types. The design style of Sofie school bag has been praised by customers. It is equipped with water-resistant zippers and sealed seams. The product is safe. It does not contain any irritant harmful substances, such as formaldehyde, lead, or harmful volatile organic compounds. Constructed out of dirt-proof materials, the product is easy to clean.
We have launched a series of sustainability initiatives. For example, we minimize our carbon footprint by using electricity more efficiently and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by minimizing waste.