Plastic donation box is a small plastic box with a slid with a slot on the top can let people throw in coins and cash ,and it also has a string can let people hang the box up. It can help a lot in charity donation industry.
For donation . Now More and more people are paying attention to charity and working in the charity industry. They often hold various types of charity events and engage in charitable fundraising to help people who need help. It can be put on a desk to let people throw in coins and cash ,and the donation box is very small and light ,it is also easy for people to take and move to anywhere needed ,as some people may be inconvenient to walk to front desk .
For warm charity reminder. The box has a string ,we can hang them on somewhere ,people can give their love if they want ,also it can remind people to be a good person ,and many people round them are in need .
It can also be used as a decoration and souvenir of charity events. Kinds of stickers can be added on the box ,it is colorful and beautiful if decorating the hall of the charity events. When people come to an event and give their love, if it is possible to bring back a memorable item, this is a very interesting thing. It can also be used to educate children at home to let them also have a sweet heart.