Customized leather bags must consider fashion and craftsmanship
The production process of the bag includes pure manual process and industrial equipment production process, there are traditional process and popular process. Traditional craftsmanship are the most important and fundamental crafts for customizing leather bags. Popular craftsmanship are fashionable craftsmanship, which can be creative handcrafts or special crafts of special equipment.
The feasibility of the manufacturing process of the bag refers to the structure and manufacturing process of the designed product, as far as possible to use the existing technical force and technical equipment to complete the custom bag process, or it is worth developing new equipment or tools to complete the situation Unreasonable design that follows, not desires and out of reach.
The popularity of customized pu leather handbags means that the designed bags can cut into the market trend in a timely manner and accept the baptism and inspection of the market economy. In this way, we can find out which bag styles are preferred by consumers, and we can find a better direction for the development of customized leather bags.
Matters needing attention in the processing of female bags
First of all, the most important thing for a bag is the material of the leather. What kind of leather you choose will produce what grade of bag. The quality of the leather material largely determines the softness, comfort and comfort of the bag. Feel. This is also the most concerned about women's pu leather handbags factory, the comfortable bag is more popular than the hard bag.
Secondly, each bag is decorated with chain hardware, and these are also very important. Too low-level hardware will make your entire bag look eclipsed. Good leather must be matched with good hardware, so that the entire bag can be sublimated, showing nobleness. The women's bag processing factory produces the hardware of the bag, which is also very particular, with hardware of various colors and materials.
The last is the use of some trivial small materials. The craftsmen of the female bag processing factory feel that when you use leather and hardware of any material, you can choose these small materials correspondingly. Most of these materials are only decoration. But it also needs to be in line with your product price to better reflect the value of your bag.
Several factors affecting the quality of customized leather bags
Yaoda Leather will tell you what preparations should be made before customizing leather bags. 1. Make bag design in advance. Because the leather goods processing factory is carried out according to the design of the bag. 2. Be sure to know the total weight of the items to be loaded.
Front custom leather bag. Tell the manufacturer the purpose of the bag, and then choose the relevant material to make the bag according to the weight. 3. Determine the budget. 4. Clearly customize the quantity. Bags have higher requirements for tailoring, so it is best to prepare in advance. Looking for a professional leather goods factory to Yaoda Leather, we have the ability to customize a more cost-effective leather bag for you.