Handbag labels is found to be compliant with various requirements of qualifications and certifications. DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd has been tested by major internationally authoritative institutions. This plays an important role in our advance towards the global markets as many foreign customers value much on the certifications. Since we are established, we have accumulated some knowledge about how to pass the tests specified in the certifications. The process is complicated and tedious, but what we have done all worths it. If customers want to have a look, please browse our official website.
Under the stringent excellent control and professional management method of bag chain, MYJOY Metal Accessory has grown into an internationally famous brand. MYJOY Metal Accessory's handbag lock series contains multiple sub-products. The product is highly resistant to stains. The surface of this product is smooth enough, thus it is less likely to accumulate dust and sediment. Outstanding weathering and aging resistance are the most prominent advantages of the product. It has been paid much attention to its safety issue. To protect users from dangerous electrical problems such as electric shock and leakage, this product is strictly tested and proved that it is up to the safety standards. It does not cause adverse effects on the human body, including skin damage.
We seek sustainable development through a range of approaches. We are looking for new technologies that professionally handle all the wastewater, gases, and scrap to meet relevant regulations.