In addition to our internal QC testing, Foshan Nanhai Ruifu Qifeng Towel Industrial Co.,Ltd also endeavors for a third-party certification to confirm the superior quality and performance of our products. Our quality control programs are comprehensive, from selection of materials to delivery of the finished product. Our cotton towel set is extensively tested to ensure that it meets the highest standards for performance and reliability.
With years of experience, Ruifu Qifeng Towel is a best reliable source for the needs of R&D and manufacture of newborn bath towel. Ruifu Qifeng Towel produces a number of different product series, including bath towel series. The product has a strong structure. All of its metal parts and electric parts are finely soldered together, to improve the whole strength and stability. The towel is well recognized in the international exhibition, including the Global Sources Exhibition. Ruifu Qifeng Towel continues to create value for customers, employees and all stakeholders. When the temperature is below 110 °C, its fabric maintains its stretch without being damaged.
We are passionate about intelligent ideas to make the environment more sustainable. We continuously monitor and drive compliance of our social and environmental requirements throughout our supply chain.