Before conducting the shipment, Yangzhou Mishi Toy&Gift co.,ltd. will carry out a complete process to check cute stuff toys. During each procedure, we'll strictly guarantee the quality of the goods from raw materials selection to your completed product. Each item generated by us has passed rigorous QC test.
Being an expert in the industry, Mishi has been engaged in the research, development, design, manufacturing, and marketing of stuffed toy. Mishi's plush blanket series are created based on unremitting efforts. plush blanket has similar quality as famous brand but has cheaper price. This product has the advantage of flame resistance. This product actually plays a basic but key role in protecting people from outside elements such as dirt and insects. This product can stand up to frequent extrusion.
The core principle of our company is to respect and treat customers sincerely. Seen from different aspects, such as materials sourcing, designing, and producing, we always seek feedback or advice from clients based on integrity and business ethics.