Before conducting the shipment, Guangzhou Ouyee Display Co.,Ltd. will carry out a complete process to check optical display . During each procedure, we'll strictly guarantee the quality of the goods from raw materials selection to your completed product. Each item generated by us has passed rigorous QC test.
As a Chinese pharmacy counter company, we have always advocated quality and practical pharmacy counter. The perfume stand series is widely praised by customers. The production of OUYEE eyeglass display stand covers a series of processes. It includes the inspection of the slab, template layout, cutting, polishing, and hand finishing. Ouyee display furniture could be customized by style, size and color. This product is durable. Its stitching is secure and the inconspicuous area is free from bulk and is flat and smooth. Ouyee display furniture is manufactured based on 20 year experience.
Seeking the harmonious development of OUYEE and society will make great contributions to the clothing shelves industry. Please contact us!