In Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory, we highly focus on technology innovation as we deeply know that technology will take us to a high position in the global market. We set up an R&D team consisting of industry experts and senior technicians owning rich experience in developing products like heavy duty sliding track . Their rich knowledge in the industry and practical experience give us strong supports in developing new products on a regular basis. They thirst for updated knowledge and keep learning from worldly famous brands so as to make the developed products stand out.
HeYing Slide Rail is an enterprise specialized in light duty slide rail and owning high level of adaption, cohesion and reputation. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's stainless steel ball slides can meet the needs of different customers. HeYing Slide Rail stainless steel ball slides is exclusively developed by our in-house professional R&D team who are acquainted with the market changing demands in the office supplies&equipment industry. The thickened metal materials guarantee its long service life. An increase in body temperature of only a few degrees can interrupt sleep and can lead to sleepless nights. Yet this product is designed to solve this problem. It guarantees a smooth and silent sliding effect.
We are putting our efforts to protect resources and ecosystems. For example, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions by constantly improving the quality of discharge.