Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory service staff is broadly recognized by clients at home and overseas. As an expert tool box drawer slides maker, we not only concentrate on the quality of products but also pay close attention to customer satisfaction. Each employee including sales team and experienced engineers is greatly skilled and has been doing their very best to provide every client with thoughtful support.
HeYing Slide Rail is known for manufacturing high quality light duty slide rail with competitive price. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's table extension slides can meet the needs of different customers. HeYing Slide Rail light duty slide rail contains high lighting transmittance materials such as PMMA, PLA or PC, and all these materials are non-toxic and eco-friendly. Its surface finish can be customized based on needs. It can buffer varying levels of temperature and humidity, making these two factors have a relatively lesser disruptive effect on sleep. The product is an indispensable furniture accessory.
We are working hard to manufacture green products so as to support environmental friendliness. We will use materials that do not contribute to environmental degradation or use recycled materials.