Guangzhou Baoli Animation Technology Co.,Ltd. ensures that production technology is in a leading position in the arcade game machine business and provides you with quality products at reasonable prices. Our investment in production technology development accounts for a large percentage of sales each year. Products based on production technology have been certified.
Baoli has been engaged in tabletop arcade machine industry for many years. arcade buttons is one of Baoli's multiple product series. The whole production of BLEE vending coin acceptor has been greatly optimized to meet different needs. Easy operation is one of the features of BLEE products. The product doesn't have a filament that will burn out, so it lasts much longer. Additionally, its small plastic bulb makes it a lot more durable. The card reader of BLEE features in compact size with elegant outlook.
Practices certify that it proves to be efficient to stick to the tenet of game machine parts in Baoli. Get an offer!