YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD's production technology ranks top in the fanny pack/waist bag industry. Since founded, we have employed professional engineers to be engaged in the exquisite production. Leveraging on our rich industry experience, this product made by us enjoys high reliability.
The sales volume of purse from Jinxi Bags is steadily increased year by year. sling bag series manufactured by Jinxi Bags include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. Jinxi clear fanny pack is manufactured under strict control. We oversee production on all the graphics components that go onto a display to ensure production continuity and accuracy. It will stay sleek for a long time thanks to its wear resistance and scratch resistance. backpacks would work in a safe and serviceable fashion. The trimming of its edge can be the folding edge, piping edge, raising edge and so on.
Jinxi Bags will constantly blaze new trails to provide the best quality products to global markets. Welcome to visit our factory!