YIWU JINXI BAGS CO., LTD makes sure that the production technology is in the lead in the leather handbags business, so as to provide you with quality products at reasonable price. Our input into the development of production technology accounts for a large proportion to the sales every year. The product based on the production technology has been certified.
Jinxi Bags is a reliable supplier with the world-renowned hangbags. Jinxi Bags's waist bag-fanny pack series include multiple types. The production of Jinxi cute coin purses is strictly in accordance with international electrical principles. Its production follows the CE standard, GE standard, EMC standard, etc. It will stay sleek for a long time thanks to its wear resistance and scratch resistance. This product is able to withstand numerous times of cleaning and washing. The dye-fixing agent is added into its material to protect the color from fading. It is granted with the Certificate of Design Patent.
Jinxi Bags has been committed to technological innovation and quality improvement for hangbags. Inquire!