With the prevalence of leather bag sling of Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd in the marketplace, its sales are also rising rapidly. Thanks to the best performance and attractive look, the product currently has drawn attention from more clients. Naturally, an increasing number of clients have given their profound trust on us and repeatedly purchased our trusted products.
NIUCUNZH is a leading leather briefcase supplier. leather fanny pack is the main product of Marrant. It is diverse in variety. The product is not easy to fade. It is provided with a weather coat that is efficient in UV resistance and the blocking of sunlight exposure. The texture of its leather will change with time, exhibiting an antique effect. This market-oriented product allows people to look stylish, energetic, while staying active either at work or at play. It is designed to withhold regular use and stand up to everyday wear and tear.
We constantly maintain strict environmental and sustainability standards at our factories and throughout every stage of our manufacturing process so that we protect the Earth and our customers.