At SHENZHEN SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY LTD, our factory and warehouse are strategically located. We have taken the convenience of transportation into consideration. If we are responsible for the shipment of your goods, in general, we will despatch the goods from the port that is closest to our factory or warehouse. But if you have any special requirements, contact us, we can transport the shipment to any designated port or location. No matter which port the shipment is dispatched, we ensure smooth customs clearance, efficient and safe transportation.
SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is a fast-growing manufacturer in China. Designing and manufacturing motherboard backplane are our fields of expertise. telecom pcb produced by SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is very popular in the market. The product is high-temperature resistant. It is made of heat-resisting material which features a high melting and decomposition point. It has gained the recognition of Tesla, Volkswagen, and Harley-Davidson. With the help of this product, foot pain problems can be solved. This product will let people move easily and perform normal daily tasks. The product can be served with OEM service.
SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is committed to building the world's first brand among similar products! Get an offer!