As the demand of dental floss stick grows, its program prospect is very promising. In recent decades, because of the fierce competition on the market, developing new finest-quality version has become the largest attention for suppliers. With the growth of society, producers will put a lot of investment and efforts into the product's application development in the future.
Mainly focused on interdental toothpicks, Lvsheng Oral Care Products Technology Co.,Ltd. has achieved great success in the domestic markets with abundant accumulated experiences. The toothpick brush series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. LvSheng dental floss has achieved a safety certification. It has passed an electrical safety tests which includes the high voltage test, leakage current test, insulation resistance test, and ground continuity test. The product guarantees a favorable price for users. The product has a long service life. Its full-shield design better helps avoid the leakage problem, which more perfectly prevents its components from damage. It is very convenient to use for people who have braces during orthodontic treatment.
Lvsheng highly evaluates customers' feedback and suggestions on best flossing tools. Check now!