As Hoprio group does most of the ODM business online, we need to set a minimum order amount to ensure that the cost of shipping the ODM order is worthwhile for the business. Setting minimum order values can ensure that our cost of goods sold is not too high for each transaction. In essence, we are ensuring a minimum profit amount per order. As we provide high-quality ODMed products that may not be suitable for each customer in the market, we have to require the MOV for the ODM product. If customers have problems to ask about the term, please contact us.
Hoprio, a leadership in grinder power tool innovation, is thought highly of by peer competitors for its strong competence in developing and manufacturing. Hoprio's grinding tool series contains multiple sub-products. The product is highly responsive in a short time. Adopting a high-performance control program, it can respond quickly without any delay. The development of Hoprio can not be achieved without professional customer service.
We have positioned environmental protection is our priority issue. We promote environmental management by cooperating with related companies, business partners, and employees.