Generally, Guangzhou Rida Tent Manufacturing Co., Ltd, asks for the MOQ instead of MOV of the products. As for the detailed answer, please contact us and we promise to give a satisfying answer. MOV is largely decided by the MOQ and the price per unit. As an enterprise for OEM processing, we put investment in the raw materials and packaging materials purchase, production, logistics distribution, and labor. So, if the MOQ and price are not formulated unreasonably, we would face a huge risk of economic loss. It's highly suggested that consult with us because the number may be negotiable base on the actual needs.
Rida Tent has been an expert in the design, manufacture, and sales of wedding stage. We are regarded as one of the most powerful manufacturers in China. barricades produced by Rida Tent is very popular in the market. Rida tent folding stage will go through a third-party validation for furniture performance. It will be checked or tested in terms of durability, stability, structural strength, and so on. Because its materials have sufficient strength, the product is not easily deformed by collision. The product is sturdy in construction. Its frame is made of metal or plastic materials that are resistant to impacts, protecting internal circuits from shocks. It is manufactured by a factory that is ISO9001 and TÜV Nord certified.
Our ultimate goal is to be one of the leading ez up canopy suppliers in the global market. Get price!