The rejection rate of Yangzhou Mishi Toy&Gift co.,ltd. stuffed animal toys is fairly low in the market. Before shipment, we'll test the quality of each product to be certain it is flawless. After our customers receive second-best product or encounter with the product problem, our professional after-sales team are here to assist.
Mishi is a China-based designer and producer of plush items. We have built a reputation for high-quality products. As one of Mishi's multiple product series, plush wallet series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. What makes us different from other companies is that our eye cover is of sleep mask. Its colors can be customized based on customers' requirements. It is opaque, neither too thin nor too thick or heavy, which provides wearers with enough coverage and protective function. It is a perfect gift for birthdays and baby showers.
We are working with our product designers and developers to balance the needs of getting the great product into our customers’ hands more consistently and faster than ever before, while also reducing our impact on the environment.