Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd supplies the ODM support for manufacturing, brand design, and packaging. We've got the expertise, capacity, and R&D resources to create any ODM a shining victory!
Marrant is a company specializing in the production of leather shoulder bag. leather fanny pack is the main product of Marrant. It is diverse in variety. NIUCUNZH custom leather fanny packs is carefully packed with packaging bags which are moisture- and static-resistant. In this way, the product is well protected from damp. It comes in all shapes and sizes according to its intended use. Its enough elasticity creates a comfortable fit for all-day wear. The product allows easy movement such as stretch, walk, squat, crawl, and so on. It is shock-absorbing with proper thickness.
Our business core is that we make our customers trust us to ensure quality, safety, and sustainability in their business and to help them gain a competitive advantage.