The rejection rate of Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., pigment is quite low in the market. Before being shipped out, the product will undergo strict tests performed by our experienced QC team, which can make sure it is flawless. Once our customers receive the second best product or have quality problems, our professional after-sales team is here to help.
Qinmei Cosmetics was established a few years ago and is proud to be the leading good false eyelashes manufacturer in China. The Aftercare is one of the main products of Qinmei Cosmetics. The material, production, design of microblading practice kit comply with international regulations. This product has electromagnetic compatibility. It has passed a comprehensive range of EMC tests such as conducted disturbances immunity testing, antenna screening effectiveness testing, and harmonic current emission testing.
As a company bears social responsibility, we see it as our responsibility to handle resources and energy efficiently as well as to avoid environmental risks at all of our locations.