At Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory, the quality management is conducted by our in-house quality control team. In general, they would select the materials sourced from our suppliers to ensure the in-material quality. Then they would monitor the whole production process to guarantee that each step is standard without any cheating on materials and craftsmanship. They would have some samples checked when they are semi-finished. Of course, all finished products would be strictly tested to be 100% qualified. They also conduct quality control when the products are packed and delivered. All this is combined to ensure the product quality.
After years of development, HeYing Slide Rail has become a well-known brand in China's heavy table slides industry. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's light duty slide rail can meet the needs of different customers. HeYing Slide Rail ball bearing slides is created by our R&D team after rounds of market survey and observation. The team devotes to creating a product that not only meets the light industry requirement but also meets customers' requirement. Its large bearing capacity makes it suitable for large-scale items. This product does not fade or darken easily. All remaining dyes are removed from the fabric surface. It contains heavy-duty carbon steel springs, which makes it highly resistant to aging.
We do business based on a customer-centric belief system. We aim to deliver a positive experience and providing unparalleled levels of attention and support for our customers.