Compared with all the other drawer extension slides on the market, Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory selects the most refined and reliable materials. If low-cost and imperfect materials are used, the high quality and high performance of the products cannot be guaranteed. We have been working with reliable suppliers to ensure high quality products that make them cost-effective.
HeYing Slide Rail is a large-scaled manufacturer of light duty slide rail. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's aluminum table slides can meet the needs of different customers. This product does not contain harmful substances. During the production phase, the yarns used to create the fabric are not chemically treated. It guarantees a smooth and silent sliding effect. The product helps meet the needs of medical, pharmacological, chemical, and industrial applications for clean and potable water by reducing the contaminants in the water. It will slow down the speed and reduce the impact force, providing a buffering effect.
Sustainable development has been put as our top priority. Under this goal, we have made all efforts to upgrade our production processes, such as reasonably handling waste discharges and utilizing resources.