In comparison with all the materials of other similar natural false eyelashes from the marketplace, Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. chooses the very exquisite and dependable one. If low and defective materials are adopted, the high quality and functionality of the product can't be guaranteed. We've been placing a great deal of investment to the use of excellent materials.
Qinmei Cosmetics is professionally supplying high quality permanent makeup supplies since its establishment. Qinmei Cosmetics's main products include permanent makeup supplies series. During the production of Qingmei false lash tweezers, pollution or waste components generated from the production process is carefully and professionally treated. For example, the failed capacitor will be collected and disposed to a certain place. The product features good filter fineness. The filter elements such as the filter membranes have amazing impurities absorption capacity to enhance the filtering effect.
We have gained a great deal of awareness towards the maintenance of natural ecological balance. During our production, we will oblige social responsibility. For example, we will be very careful about effluent disposal.