Telephone, email and social websites like Facebook are available. Please feel free to contact Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. when you have some problems. Our customer support staff is happy to assist with any questions or problems you may have. The "Contact Us" webpage offers multiple methods to reach people, based upon your language preference and subject matter requirements.
Focusing on the R&D, manufacturing and sales of permanent makeup supplies, Qinmei Cosmetics has its own R&D and production base. The microblading tool series has become a hot product of Qinmei Cosmetics. The product has exquisite seamless joints. Its parts are seamed with high precision machines that will not generate ugly splicing trace. The sales of the eyebrow cream also contributes to the quality of the service.
We force sustainability into our everyday activities. We minimize our environmental impact by making more from less and innovate to develop products and solutions that fit into a circular society.