Telephone, email and social media such as Facebook are all available. Please feel free to contact Guangzhou Rida Tent Manufacturing Co., Ltd, if there are any problems. Our customer service team is happy to help with any queries or problems you may have. The "Contact Us" page provides multiple methods to reach us, depending on your language preference and subject matter needs.
Among those Chinese manufacturers offering high-quality stretch tent, Rida Tent is highly recommended considering its experience and expertise. The waterproof tent series is widely praised by customers. The design of Rida tent 20x20 tent is professional and complicated. It covers several major steps that are carried out by exceptional designers, including sketch drawings, three-dimensional perspective drawing, mold making, and identification of whether the product fitting the space or not. It has been exported to the United States, Germany and so on. After years of continuous development, the products have been supported and trusted by customers, and have been widely used in the market. It exhibits excellent corrosion resistance under most environmental conditions.
Rida Tent will become a meaningful and highly competitive enterprise in the party tent market. Get price!