Be sure to contact Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Customer Service before making a sample order of microblading needles and accurately discussing your needs. When you start crafting your message, please be specific. Here's what to include in the message when discussing the product sample: 1. The information about the product you’re referencing. 2. The number of product samples you wish to receive. 3. Your shipping address. 4. Whether you need to customize the product. If the request passes, we will ship samples via our freight forwarders. However, you can also arrange your own freight forwarder to ship product samples.
As a well-known manufacturer for Aftercare, Qinmei Cosmetics occupies a large market share. According to the material, Qinmei Cosmetics's products are divided into several categories, and microblading practice kit is one of them. The product features strong corrosion resistance. Both the metal parts and mating faces are made of anti-corrosion materials such as stainless steel, plated steel, carbon, or ceramic. For a designer or architect, they'll be happy to know that using this product may help contribute cost saving to your project because of its recycled content and low-emission materials.
Our mission is to create more value for our customers and consumers, for the communities we operate in, and for the company – while reducing our environmental footprint at the same time.