For learning the quality of our casual sandals, customers are welcomed to visit our factory. We will show you the some of the manufacturing processes like incoming material sourcing, processing, quality assurance as well as final package. You can make a comment on the product. Meanwhile, requesting a sample is also a good way to learn. Customer Service is always available for you to consult about the products. The high ratio of return customers can provide you with valuable reference that we are really trustworthy.
Jiangxi Gofar Industrial & Development Co., Ltd. is a manufacturing company in China. With extensive industry experience, we set the standard for the moc slippers market. Gofar's moccasins series are created based on unremitting efforts. Unique canvas sandals contributes to the popularity of flat sandals. Adopting high-end materials, this product features a beautiful appearance. It is somewhat antimicrobial. It is processed with stain-resistant finishes which can reduce the spread of sickness and illness-causing critters. The rubber sole offers excellent anti-slip protection for the foot.
We achieve sustainable development by reducing production waste. We have diverted our manufacturing and post-consumer waste solutions from landfill and waste valorization by incineration to higher value beneficial uses like recycling and upcycling.