For studying the quality of the v belt, customers are more likely to visit our factory. Meanwhile, asking a sample is also a fantastic way. The large proportion of return customers may supply you invaluable reference that we're really reliable.
JiNan ChenYang Precision co. LTD is a domestically known company when it comes to developing and manufacturing custom bearings. We have gained great success in the field. ChenYang's FAQ series contains multiple sub-products. ChenYang Bearing industrial timing belts has passed through a series of tests. It has been tested for insulating material, environmental safety, functional safety, acoustics an noise. The product is perfectly suitable for transmission units. Our professional technical team has greatly optimized the performance of our products. Processed by a variety of CNC machines, the product features high precision.
We significantly cut resource consumption in the process of achieving sustainability. We have renovated the architecture design of the workshop to in an effort to drive efficiencies in heating, ventilation, daylighting, so as to reduce energy such as electricity consumption.