Once your best microblading products has been shipped out of our factory, you'll receive a tracking number given by the logistics companies to us. You can use the number to follow your package. We promise on-time delivery to every customer though sometimes holidays or severe weather conditions may happen. We do our best to guarantee that your goods will be delivered to you in a fast and safe way. We recommend you to keep a close eye on your order's tracking number. If you're having trouble with your tracking information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Service Center.
Guangzhou Qinmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is internationally famous in the field of micropigmentation eyebrows. We will show you the microblading tool series that is most popular with customers. The design of Qingmei false lash tweezers starts with a sketch, then a tech pack or CAD drawing. It is completed by our designers who transform customers' ideas into reality. The product has the advantage of the low maintenance cost on cleaning, which is preferred by homeowners, builders, and designers.
We respect environmental standards and strive to minimize the impact of our activities. We have energy reduction programs in place to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and have water recycling programs.