You can know the address from our website and get to the exact destination by navigation system. The route to ANMATECH CO.,LTD. factory would be shown very clearly on the system. If you plan to pay a visit to our factory, you can contact our staff in advance. They would like to pick you up at the airport and take you to our factory. We sincerely welcome you to pay a visit on us and have a deeper understanding about our professional staff, elaborate presentation projector , etc.
As a leading electric power outlet supplier in domestic markets, ANMATECH has obtained a good reputation for strong manufacturing ability. ANMATECH is mainly engaged in the business of coaxial a/v cable and other product series. The production equipment of ANMATECH hanger for projector is advanced to ensure qualification rates. Its sturdy stand provides the desired stability. This product offers the possibility to be used in a large range of applications, from events and rental up to fixed installations. This product has the advantage of high contrast.
'Keep improving in portable projection screen field' is we's striving aim. Get an offer!