You can know the address from our website and get to the exact destination by navigation system. The route to Guangzhou Chengqi plastic Industry Co., Ltd. factory would be shown very clearly on the system. If you plan to pay a visit to our factory, you can contact our staff in advance. They would like to pick you up at the airport and take you to our factory. We sincerely welcome you to pay a visit on us and have a deeper understanding about our professional staff, elaborate plastic shampoo bottle , etc.
Chengqi is a top notch plastic cosmetic jar production firm, with offices scattered around the world. Chengqi focuses on providing a variety of plastic cosmetic bottle for customers. Chengqi plastic cosmetic containers is produced in a safe and clean environment. Its attractive appearance acts as a sales medium. plastic cosmetic bottle is manufactured based on high-quality materials. It not only has good shock absorption and anti-slip resistance but also has excellent UV resistance and acid and alkali resistance. It is a very durable and high-quality product.
Implementing the strategy of strengthening plastic cosmetic jar is a requirement for the sustainable and healthy development of our team. Get more info!