You can easily know the address from our website and get access to the specific destination by navigation. The path to Dongguan HeYing Hardware Accessory Factory factory will be shown very clearly on the electric screen. If your plan is to visit our factory, you can get in touch with our staff beforehand. They'd love to pick you up at the airport and take you to our factory. We sincerely welcome you to pay a trip on us and have a deeper knowledge of our specialist employee and exquisite extendable table mechanism , etc.
HeYing Slide Rail has widely popularity and reputation in light duty slide rail field. Various in styles, HeYing Slide Rail's aluminum table slides can meet the needs of different customers. HeYing Slide Rail ball bearing slides is continually tested to ensure that its key performance meets the safety standards required in the office supplies&accessories industry. Its surface can be electrophorized, galvanized, zinc plated, or aluminized. This product has many features. Compared with similar products, the luster is better, and the feel is more comfortable and soft. This product has a large market in China and Southeast Asia.
Our goal is to hand over the finest products to our customers. For this, we use the best designing ethics to produce cost-effective yet practical products.