If you are uncertain about your access to our factory, please consult our Customer Service about the detailed path. With the increasing popularity and industry influence, more and more customers come to our factory for field visits. Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd sincerely welcomes customer to visit our factory.
By pursuing higher quality of genuine leather bag, our company has won many high recommendations. Marrant provides a wide range of leather fanny pack for customers. This product has the advantage of bacterial resistance. Its highly breathable fabrics make germs are hard to get in and build up. It is one of the preferred choices for business handbags. The product is in high demand among the customers across the country. Its lining, if any, is made of polyester cotton.
To practice green and pollution-free production, we will execute sustainable development plans to reduce the negative impacts. Our efforts are mainly handling wastewater, reducing gas emission, and cutting resources waste.