Should you are unsure about your access to our plant, please consult with our Customer Service. An increasing number of customers visit our factory for field visits. Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd truly welcomes customer to stop by our factory.
NIUCUNZH has set up a quality management system to win the favors of customers. genuine leather bag is the main product of Marrant. It is diverse in variety. The diode of NIUCUNZH genuine leather briefcase is required to undergo spectral and photoelectric analysis, and a related quality assessment report is provided to customers. Its lining, if any, is made of polyester cotton. The product features a long service life. With a full-shield design, it can effectively avoid leakage problems such as engine oil leakage. The leather used retains the inherent imperfections to showcase natural individuality.
Through developing and implementing key programs, we aim to minimize the impact of our operations on the environment by understanding and mitigating against our material impacts.