If you can't find a way to our factory, please ask our customer service department for a detailed path. With the increasing popularity of the popularity and the influence of the industry, more and more customers come to our factory for field visits. Ningbo SmileKS Medical Co.,Ltd sincerely welcomes customers to visit our factory.
Sales organizations, training centers and distributors of SmileKS Medical are located worldwide. SmileKS Medical's capsule machine filler series contains multiple sub-products. The production process of SmileKS Medical foldable electric wheelchair is strictly carried out. It has passed through cleaning, mounting, welding, surface treatment, and quality checks. The product is designed to prioritize the comfort of practitioners and patients. Over the years, we has formed a strong R&D strength and a sound sales and service system. The product is chemically resistant and stands up to many kinds of solvents.
We have successfully integrated sustainability into our business strategy. We mainly focus on cost reductions from energy use, waste management, and commuting practices, as well as social actions like volunteering campaigns.