If you are uncertain about your access to our factory, please consult our Customer Service about the detailed path. With the increasing popularity and industry influence, more and more customers come to our factory for field visits. Hangzhou Spanner Science and Technology Co. Ltd. sincerely welcomes customer to visit our factory.
As one of the manufacturers that enjoy high market reputation, Spanner Science and Technology has a strong competence in developing and manufacturing rare earth magnets. Spanner Science and Technology produces a number of different product series, including permanent magnet. The manufacture of Spanner neodym magnet follows some basic steps to some extent. These steps are CAD design, drawing confirmation, raw materials selection, materials cutting, drilling, shaping, and painting. It can be processed into various shapes. The product serves as an effective marketing tool. It works well in generating sales at high success rates by attracting more consumers. It is ideal for higher-end applications requiring precisely metered torque, speed, or positioning.
We will pursue an eco-friendly way throughout the business activities. We will make efforts to extend the product life cycle so as to reduce wastes and pollution.