At Shanghai Zhanxing Industry Co.,Ltd, the design process of baby floats has several stages and steps, and each of them can be methodized and be done regularly. Typically, there are 4 steps for us to carry out the design procedure. Firstly, we start with gathering the necessary information and requirements from customers. This is usually achieved by either a face-to-face meeting with the client, a questionnaire (on- or off-line), or even a Skype meeting. Secondly, this step is mainly focusing on design creation. Having got in-depth research of customers and their products, target market and competitors, we will begin brainstorming to decide the colors, shapes, and other elements. The next step is evaluating the design work and doing the refinement if possible. Customers should provide any feedback they may have once seeing the design. The last step is to apply the confirmed design work into the production formally.
Zhanxing uses advanced equipment to produce high quality products. Zhanxing's swim rings series contains multiple sub-products. International production standard: The production of Swimming arm band is carried out in conformity with the internationally-recognized production standards. Made of heavy-duty PVC material, it has a high tearing strength. The product is instant on with the latest in LED flicker-free technology for maximum eye comfort. It is in line with the stringent test criteria of eye comfort. It has a smooth and comfortable surface with a skin-friendly touch.
Saving baby swim toys while improving baby swim toys has been Zhanxing's target. Get quote!