Customers lose their trust in a company when product quality drops below their minimum expectations. So, Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd has been in control of product quality with years of development. We strictly follow the international management systems and related national standards to manufacture leather bags manufacturer and conduct quality control throughout the whole production process. Once we find poor-quality products, we will re-deliver them to our factory and re-made them until they fully conform to the quality standards. So far, our products have passed the quality checks carried out by third parties and been certified by several international authorities.
Marrant has developed into one of the leading manufacturers in China, specializing in chest bag leather designing and developing. We will show you the genuine leather bag series that is most popular with customers. The product is notable for its strong wear resistance. Its structure, built with heavy-metals, mainly alloy and steel, can withstand daily industrial heavy use. It comes in all shapes and sizes according to its intended use. Some customers told us that they really appreciate the seam and stitching the product is made. It is not easily fray even it is used heavily. It can be designed with added features such as detachable shoulder straps and convenient side pockets.
We have made plans to participate actively in solving communities issues through our business-related, business-affected projects and activities. We will donate our products to the local people or the community to promote economic growth. Get more info!