At Guangzhou Xinpuduo Auto Parts Co.,LTD, every provided product comes with a certain period of warranty. We offer warranty service for any quality problems of our products within a selected period of time. You can see the specific warranty period from product information on our website. If there is no such information provided on our website, please consult us. During warranty period, we can offer return/replacement service for products of any quality problems. Please be confident to buy from us, a high level of quality and service is our commitment.
Xinpuduo Auto Parts is a manufacturing company based in China. We focus on market research, development, and production of best wiper blades. As one of Xinpuduo Auto Parts's multiple product series, wipers series enjoy a relatively high recognition in the market. The product is energy-friendly. Designed in a compact and energy saving electric circuit board, it consumes less power compared to other alternatives. The product finds its wide application in the industry.
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