A warranty provided by Guangzhou Chengqi plastic Industry Co., Ltd. deals with product defects in materials and workmanship from the original date of purchase from our factory. Its coverage can last up to several years, although the length of the coverage varies from product to product. So for how long we will be held accountable for a specific product, please contact Customer Service. For those products that are intended to last a long time, we usually consider offering longer warranty periods, provided that the quality of these products should be improved and the failure rate is controlled during the specified time.
Chengqi is a specialized enterprise with manufacture, product injection, and product processing in a whole. Chengqi focuses on providing a variety of plastic bottle for customers. plastic lotion bottle can be used for a long time by virtue of large capacity and low self-discharge rate. Moreover, the excellent recharge acceptance makes it recycling and eco-friendly. The product is designed to deliver safety and comfort for the patients and provide enough support for the healthcare practitioners. The brand logo and information can be printed on this product.
It is Chengqi's mission to significantly shorten the customer development cycle. Inquire!