It depends. Please consult our Customer Service about details. Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd has the experience, capability, and R&D resources to make any ODM integration a glowing success! Based on the design efficiency, we pride ourselves in providing shorter ODM processing period. With a highly focused effort, we bring industry level products and services to you. We will work until you are satisfied and all original design requirements are met, and the product performs exactly to your expectations. If you are worried about the time for ODM service, we assure you that we will produce samples to see whether it will take too much time.
Being qualified with related certificates like womens leather wallets on sale, NIUCUNZH is more confident and encouraged to produce more popular products. Marrant provides a wide range of genuine leather bag for customers. real leather wallet mens is produced by safe and environmentally-friendly raw material. It is not susceptible to environmental factors such as mud, dirt, and grit, therefore suitable for trekking and other outdoor activities. The product is in high demand among the customers across the country. It is sewn with reinforced seams to double up the protection.
We integrate sustainability fully into our business and working with others to tackle impacts, transform our industry and create lasting value.