It depends. For more information, please consult our customer service. We have a wealth of experience, capabilities and research and development resources to make any ODM integration a complete success! Through a highly concentrated effort, we provide you with industry-level products and services. We will work hard until you are satisfied and the product exactly meets your expectations.
Guangzhou Marrant Leather Co., Ltd has excellent leather shoulder bag to satisfy the needs of different customers. leather fanny pack is the main product of Marrant. It is diverse in variety. The production process of NIUCUNZH genuine leather travel wallet is carefully inspected and considered in terms of its CRI, lumen, power, and voltage from the perspective of customers. It is an ideal gift for male friends on birthday, Christmas, New Year, etc. The prodcut has a simple design. It is designed with a simplified structure with fewer components connected, which allows it to move easily. Its accessories are made of strong hardware which will not bend under pressure.
Our mission is to be a reliable global source of high-quality products, providing exemplary customer service, while adding value to the industry through our ongoing and innovative breakthroughs of highly skilled people using the latest available technologies.