The repurchase rate can be determined by product performance and product price. SINMICRO electronic board plays an important role in the market due to its relevant reasonable price and better quality. Thus its repurchase rate is higher than that of the other similar products. And our company also hold sales promotion, which can also help us to improve the repurchase rate and appeal to new customers, so as to enlarge our consumer group.
SHENZHEN SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY LTD is an experienced supplier of consumer electronics PCB. Our priority is to effectively provide design and manufacturing services of high-quality consumer electronics PCB. SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY is mainly engaged in the business of security surveillance pcb and other product series. SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY blind and buried vias pcb goes through a wide range of fundamental tests. These tests are flammability testing, stain resistance testing, and durability testing, among others. The surface finish treatment makes the product be of high gloss. The product has the appropriate hardness which has a direct relation with the types of bonds connecting the carbon atoms in its mineral structures. The peel strength of the product is proved to be high after tests.
Our team at SINMICRO TECHNOLOGY gives customers the best support and products. Welcome to visit our factory!