It depends on whether you have specific requirements on handbag chain sample. Usually, a common product sample will be shipped as soon as the sample order has been placed. Once the sample is shipped out, we'll send you an email notification of your order status. If you experience delays in receiving your sample order, contact us immediately and we will help to confirm the status of your sample.
With high reputation, MYJOY has set foot in more places in the world. Various in styles, DongGuan MYJOY Metal Accessory Co. Ltd's purse hardware can meet the needs of different customers. This product is waterproof. The strong seam construction with the film blocks any water that enters the needle holes from entering the interior of the product. Its shape is of ergonomic design especially crafted for prolonged use. MYJOY offers a fast delivery time to customers to ensure the business efficiency. It highlights the sense of fashion with its delicate design.
Our company is striving for green manufacturing. Our manufacturing systems maximize the use of raw materials and ensure the efficient use of natural resources to reduce our environmental footprint and customers'.