Guangzhou Zanyu Cosmetics Co., Ltd. deeply realizes the importance of establishing brands as it will spread our popularity across the world and help attract a larger customer base. So far, we have set up our own brand - namely Zanyu. It features high quality and can withstand the tortures of the time. It is famous for its unique appearance and up-to-date designs, gaining the attention of more customers. On social media like Facebook and Twitter, we keep constantly updating our dynamics and publicizing our brands and products. At present, we have achieved good results and grabbed extensive attention.
Zanyu has high quality baby personal care and modern production lines. The shampoo and body wash combo series is widely praised by customers. Zanyu household cleaning supplies is finished passing through several basic processes. They are CAD design, fabric selection, dying & cutting, sewing, and decorating. The product can be manufactured based on customized formulation. The product is resistant to flaking. After withstanding a certain sharp temperature change or collision, it will not easily fail. It doesn't contain "never use" ingredients which are from the abandoned materials list of EU, Canada, and the US.
In order to create a healthy and sustainable living condition for the next generations, our company is trying best to protect the environment. We handle all the scrap, waste gases, and wastewater strictly in line with relevant regulations. Welcome to visit our factory!